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vendredi, juillet 23 2010

Call for contribute to the free online compilation Necktar 2017

The set of themes of volume 3 is Macro / Perception / Micro : Evolution.

Those wishing to participate in volume 3 are invited to send, before 32 December 2010, one or more tracks, or a link to download them to araknodaedalus@gmail.com

It's highly recommanded to listen first the both first issues Volume 1 & Volume 2.

Here is a list of the contributors which have allready send their tracks.

If you need more informations just write a comment there.

jeudi, juillet 22 2010

Bridge Of Dream [a collection of free poems for no commercial use by Morne]

The Bridge Of Dream
"Eternity will finally bloom."

I. The gold of colors.

The gold of colors,
melts and drips,
from the bridge of the dream,
but those who see it,
are statues before the time.

II. Zephir.

Moon quarter,
fallen over,
a link hanging on its point,
like a spider,
a child has slipped into earth.

III. Absence.

When it will stay only the cold around me,
I will invite it into my house,
I will listen to its silence come over me,
before falling asleep.

IV. Ode to the Wind.

Books of dried leaves,
words for gnawing them,
dust poems,
for provide to the wind,
the only child of this earth.

V. Misunderstanding.

Stay stranger.
Like a wolf,
whose the good cattle,
have turn off the appetite.

Stay stranger.
In lunatic asylums,
the one considered by all mad,
is the wise man who has remained stranger.

Stay stranger.
In lunatic asylums,
The ones considered by all wise men,
are the instructors of madness.

Stay stranger.
Because livestock is afraid of wolves.
Not of shepherds.

Who kills whom ?

VI. At the Spring of Life.

Ink at bedtime.
Our minds distill the Life.
And create tomorrow in the meantime of Night.

Day staring into nothingness.
While our puppets dance Maya.
Simulate Life where there is only Silence.

Who sees the inner realms stretch over this world ?

VII. A Truth.

Awakening is an extraordinary cruelty,
but without it, the night is eternal.

The musical version of the poems in French is available for free download (zip file).
There is a web presentation made for the French version.
Actually it's possible to download freely the french version in pdf & epub format and soon in bilingual version. (write the check code and click on OK for download the ebook)

samedi, juillet 17 2010

Experimental Video Clips and Odd Noise Performances

The Necktar Contributors channel
A quick selection not updated of some video clips and live from the Necktar & Necktar 2017 contributors.

Subversix channel
"Looking for something weird or freaky ?
Keep in touch. I will try to create music movies for my apart from standart music projects."

Ultra KM Psychepsychochaotic TV
"UltraKM Psychepsychochaotic Television is a subliminanormal programmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Surely one more of this sort of TV Free Albemuth clone. Cry little normal neurones time to fry is overcome ! Everybody bubblegum brain will awake soon. "
A channel of lsd like altered visuals and footages for Parrhesia Sound System music and sometime Gestalt OrchestrA and Chromatic music too.

Darkwood OO
Georges Meliès and Segundo de Chomo early works from the first decade of the XXth Century.

Let's talk about dada !
Except the Fernand Leger and Dudley Murphy one, all are Hans Richter works from the third decade of the XXth Century.

Mixed fragments of the life of Gurdjieff
A tribute to George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff life, short version.
Fragments of the life of Gurdjieff
A tribute to George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff life, long version.

Have A Nice Trip with UltraKMPsychepsychochaoticTV
The whole channel in one dose with some hidden gems inside.

The Yoshiwaku Channel
"It sounds like Not Normal Noise from Nowhere...
But it's just my personnal archive.
I use a digital camera to record my improvisations, be kind, watch with your ears..."

Essential top collection
A sort of best off from the whole channel.

Extreme Dirt & Emotional Near Death
The most hard listening clips.

Only Visual
As the channel is dedicated to the noise, here are the most visual clips.

The whole channel
More than a thousand clips of home improvisations at le champ du possible.

Youtube selections :
The friends of Yoshiwaku.
An noise selection as a checklist.
An industrial selection as a checklist.

Download some of these video clips and more visual stuff freely at Vimeo.

Several are avaible freely at the Internet Archive too :

The Oneiric Mirror.
A no budget surrealist & symbolic movie with english sub.

Parrhesia Sound System Video Test.
Five video clips created with sound from Pantychrist° album.

Five movies bundle for the film minute festival of Lilles

Various video clips :
Horse Sings From Cloud / The Second Coming / Manifeste / Voitures Puantes / Embolie / Kernel / Petit Objet petit a / Objet petit a / Original Desire / Mayami / La Calina & L'or des couleurs / Erinyes

dimanche, mars 21 2010

Pantychrist° de Parrhesia Sound System


L'album "Pantychrist°" est disponible sur Dogmazic sur Internet Archive ou encore en archive Zip, sous licence Creative Commons noncommercial SharingAlike. Il a été réalisé au champ du possible en 2009.

C'est la seconde partie de la recréation de "Pantychrist" de Bob Ostertag, Otomo Yoshihide, Justin Bond.

Échantillons en provenance de http://www.freesound.org Les noms des contributeurs sont mentionnés dans les taggs des mp3. Sous licence Creative Commons sampling plus 1.0.

Remerciements à http://www.ubuweb.com pour les voix d'Allen Ginsberg & Joseph Beuys. Réalisé sous l'influence du VURT de Jeff Noon. Merci à tous et en particulier à celle sans qui cet album n'aurait pas existé http://www.myspace.com/sophieblamusique

Plus d'informations sur Parrhesia Sound System sur le profil du projet.

FAUVEL ou le nouveau monde
Réalisation Sophie B. / Musique Cut-Up & Symbol Of Subversion


mercredi, septembre 16 2009

AramchecK d'Op


L'album "AramchecK" est disponible sur Dogmazic ou en archive Zip, sous licence de libre diffusion C reaction. Une recréation Dark classique des oeuvres de : Rutti, Weill, Mozart, Wagner, Szymanowsky, Lutoslawsky, Schubert, Paganini, Holst... Il a été réalisé au champ du possible en 2003.

Plus d'informations sur Op sur le profil du projet.

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